Transitions Service

Our Transitions Service provides 1-to-1 support for young people aged 14-18 over half a school year. Support is usually offered in partnership with high schools but can be provided in the home or community settings.
The Transitions Service provides support to those who are:
- Aged 14-18,
- Neurodivergent (no diagnosis needed), and
- Care experienced or on the edges of care
Care Experienced
Examples of circumstances where a child or young person can be care experienced include current or past experience of:
- Having a compulsory supervision order, including whilst still living with one or both parents.
- Being cared for by family members who aren’t their parents (kinship care). This can be a formal or an informal arrangement.
- Having care in a different family, such as in a foster placement.
- Having care out with a family, such as residential care (including residential schooling) or secure care.
On the Edges of Care
There is no formal definition of the edges of care, so for this service, we interpret it as including a child or young person whose family has received additional support from the local authority or the third sector. This includes, but is not limited to, a child who has either current or past experience of:
- Being considered at risk of being taken into care voluntarily or through legal proceedings.
- Trauma
- Adversity
What To Expect
- Using our resource ‘Future Me,’ we support you to develop a clearer idea of what you want for yourself, improving your self-esteem and becoming confident in choosing and taking your next steps.
- You can undertake an SQA Employability Award at SCQF Level 3 or 4 where appropriate.
- You can access our free creative workshops, delivered by professional artists. These are offered as one-off sessions or as a series of workshops.
Get in Touch
We’re here to listen, so feel free to get in touch via email or call: 0131 370 6730

Information for Young People

Information for Volunteers

Information on Creative Workshops

Information for Professionals

Information for Employers