Complaints, Compliments, Comments And Concerns Policy And Procedure


The Salvesen Mindroom Centre is committed to providing a high quality of service. We always welcome constructive feedback about any aspect of the service we provide. Where something goes wrong or we do not meet your expectations, we value feedback so that, wherever possible, we can put things right and learn from this in order to improve our service.

Where you wish to provide feedback about our service, you can do so by making a complaint, sharing a comment, giving us a compliment or raising a concern.

The Salvesen Mindroom Centre’s definition of complaints, compliments, comments and concerns  

  • A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about an action or lack of action by the charity, or about the standard of service provided. Complaints will be managed within our Complaints Procedure.
  • A compliment is a statement of positive recognition or praise and can be about the Salvesen Mindroom Centre as a whole, any aspect of the service provided or an employee of the charity.
  • A comment is a personal opinion or belief, feedback or remark which can be about any aspect of the work of the Salvesen Mindroom Centre.
  • A concern is feedback about an issue regarding Salvesen Mindroom Centre where the individual does not wish to make a formal complaint.

Complaints, compliments, comments and concerns can be shared using our Complaints, Compliments, Comments and Concerns Form which can be requested from the Salvesen Mindroom Centre directly.

All compliments, comments and concerns will be acknowledged within 5 working days and, where written responses are requested, or the charity assesses a written response to be necessary, this will be provided within 20 working days.

We will log all compliments, comments and concerns to allow us to monitor and evaluate our service and records of these will be held for one year before destruction.

Complaints Procedure

Where you are unhappy with an aspect of our service, wherever possible, complaints should be managed informally in the first instance. This may involve speaking to the staff member involved about your concerns in order to resolve the complaint as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Stage 1 Complaints

Where the complaint is of a more serious nature or you are unable to discuss this with the member of staff involved directly, formal complaints should be made to:

The Complaints Officer
Salvesen Mindroom Centre
Great Michael House Suite 4/3
14 Links Place

This will be considered to be a Stage1 Complaint.

Where you need assistance to do this, please contact the charity to discuss the support required.

When complaining, please tell us:

  • your full name and address
  • as much as you can about the complaint
  • what has gone wrong
  • how you would like us to resolve the matter.

We are normally unable to consider complaints made more than 6 months following any incident or issue arising, except in exceptional circumstances.

Complaints will be acknowledged within 5 working days.

A senior member of staff will then investigate your complaint and provide a full, written response within 20 working days from date of receipt. We will inform you of the outcome of the investigation into your complaint and the action taken to address this.

Where a complaint or investigation is particularly complex, on rare occasions, these timescales may require to be extended. Should this occur, we will notify you in writing of the reasons for this and the new proposed timescale.

Stage 2 Complaints

Where you are dissatisfied with our response to your complaint, you should contact the Chief Executive of Salvesen Mindroom Centre to request further consideration. Your complaint will then be escalated to a Stage 2 Complaint. These requests should be made within 25 working days of the initial response to your complaint, however the Salvesen Mindroom Centre will consider requests where reasonable adjustments are required to this timescale. Requests should be made in writing to:

Chief Executive
Salvesen Mindroom Centre,
Great Michael House Suite 4/3
14 Links Places

 Please provide:

  • Your full name and address
  • The reason you are dissatisfied with the initial response to your complaint
  • Any further information relating to your original complaint

This request will be acknowledged within 5 working days with a full written response provided within 20 working days as above.

Anonymous Complaints

Where a complaint is made anonymously, these complaints will be recorded and investigated where appropriate, however no written response will be provided. 

Confidentiality, Recording and Reporting

While we will treat your complaint confidentially within our service, we will use complaints to improve the service we provide and, where a complaint concerns an individual member of staff, they will be given the opportunity to comment.

The Salvesen Mindroom Centre will maintain a record of the number of complaints received, the issues complained about, the length of time taken to respond to each complaint and whether a complaint was upheld.

The Board of Trustees will be advised of any complaints which have been upheld to help us ensure we are offering the best possible service.

Any data relating to your complaint will be stored in accordance with The General Data Protection Regulation. Records will be held for one year before destruction.